How does ED Tele-Triage help emergency room doctors treat patients?
We utilize a centralized provider, who can instantaneously broadcast themselves into your distressed emergency department through telemedicine. The provider will have the ability to create a chart and initiate your patient’s care. This solution is effective, cost efficient, and diminishes door to provider times and LWBS rates.

Time Reduction Average
Door to Admit Time Reduction
Door to Discharge Time Reduction
Average Time Saved
See what patients are saying.
“Expedited time in Emergency Department cut waiting time in half.”
“She was really great, expedited my experience in the ED, experience also took her mind off of having blood drawn at the same time.”
“Reduced the amount of sitting in the waiting room.”
“Pretty neat, spent a lot less time waiting in the Emergency Department.”
“Sped up the process so much.”
“Expedited time in Emergency Department cut waiting time in half.”
“She was really great, expedited my experience in the ED, experience also took her mind off of having blood drawn at the same time.”
“Reduced the amount of sitting in the waiting room.”
“Pretty neat, spent a lot less time waiting in the Emergency Department.”
“Sped up the process so much.”